Review: Liz Earle Sheer Skin Tint


Astazi vreau sa va vorbesc despre inca un produs Liz Earle, si anume crema nuantatoare Sheer Skin Tint.  Dupa cum bine stiti, pana acum am avut ocazia sa testez un demachiant, o crema si o lotiune tonica care mi-au placut la nebunie, asa ca atunci cand am primit crema aveam asteptari foarte mari de la ea. Daca a trecut testul? Va povestesc imediat mai multe.
In primul rand, ambalajul. Crema vine intr-un tub de 40 de ml, opac, de culoare bleumarin si arata cam asa:

Singurul defect pe care il gasesc acestu tub este faptul ca nu pot vedea cat produs mai am. 

In interiorul tubului gasim o crema nuantatoare densa, care are o acoperire mica spre medie as zice eu- cel putin face fata problemelor tenului meu fara sa il incarce. Il folosesc in loc de fond de ten in aceasta perioada si o consider ideala pentru ca imi protejeaza tenul de frig. Consistenta este una densa, cremoasa si se intinde usor pe fata- se simte ca si cum ar aluneca. Lasa o pelicula usor lucioasa, insa nu e nimic ce nu se poate rezolva cu putina pudra.
 Ca si rezistenta? Eu ma dau dimineata si pot sa spun ca tine pana pe seara cand ma intorc eu de la facultate.  M-a prins si ploaia cu aceasta crema si mi-a placut faptul ca desi a disparut de pe fata in contact cu apa in anumite zone, nu a lasat dungi inestetice.
 Eu am nuanta Bare 01. Am incercat sa va fac un swatch, dar camera telefonului meu nu e foarte prietenoasa(din nou). Sper sa intelegeti ceva.

Dupa cum puteti vedea, desi nuanta este un pic diferita de culoarea pielii mele, se adapteaza odata ce produsul este distribuit pe piele.

Ce imi place?
-faptul ca nu o simt pe fata
-rezultatul este unul natural 
-uniformizeaza culoarea tenului
-mascheaza mici defecte

Ce nu imi place?
-nu ma pot obisnui cu mirosul- are un miros de plante care imi aduce un pic aminte de ceaiurile medicinale, desi nu se simte decat in momentul aplicarii.

Recomandat? Da.


Today I want to talk about another Liz Earle product, the tinted moisturizer Sheer Skin Tin. As you well know, so far I have had the opportunity to try their cleanser, a daily moisturizer and a tonic which I have loved, so when I got this cream I had high expectations of it. Did it pass the test? I'll tell you right away some more.
First of all, the packaging. The moisturizer comes in 40 ml opaque, dark blue tube and it looks like this:

The only defect I find is that I cannot see how much product I have left.
Inside the tube we have a dense tinted moisturizer, with a light to medium coverage, in my opinion- at least it can deal with my skin's problems without troubling it. I use it as a foundation during this time of the year because I find it ideal as it protects my skin from the cold. It's consistency is dense,creamy and it applies easily on the face- it feels as if it were gliding. It leaves an oily surface, but it is nothing that a little powder can't solve.
As for the setting? I apply it in the morning and it stays in place until I arrive home in the evening. The rain caught me one day while using it, and even though in some place it disappeared due to the contact with water, it didn't streak along my face.
I have the shade Bare 01. I've tried to make a little swatch, but my phone's camera isn't very friendly. I hope you can understand something:

As you can see, even though the shade differs from my skin a bit, it adapts once the product is distributed onto the skin.
What I like?
-the fact that I don't feel it on my face
-the natural result
-it evens out my skin
-it masks small problems of my skin

What I don't like?
-I can't get used to the smell- it has an herbal smell that reminds me of medicinal tea, but you can only sense it while applying the product.

Recommended? Yes.

* Produsul a fost primit spre testare/ The product was sent to me for review purpose.
Disclaimer: Parerea exprimata in acest review este sincera si onesta;  nu am fost influentata in formarea parerii despre acest produs decat de efectele reale ale acestuia. / Disclaimer: The opinion presented in this review is sincere and honest; I was  influenced in forming my opinion about this product only by the results obtained.

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